Tuesday, September 28, 2010

(Mis) Fortune

Ever so often in this society (and possibly the world) something bad happens to someone. I know this has been theorized over a million bazillion centillion times but I firmly believe that every time something bad happens, something good also happen out of it.Yes, you read that  correctly, I just said that every time something bad happens to someone, someone else directly profits out of that situation, whether it's seen or unseen. It's either that, or it just happens to me, lol. ANYWAYS, on to the comic:

You've been in this situation, you have probably bought something and paid for it with cash. But what you didn't do was wear a lime green shirt.

Bestbuy-Overpricing things since they got cheaper.

This is where it gets interesting, and we thin out the flock a little bit. Some people have very fancy wallets or purses. Ones with even a change compartment. Ok, I made that up. But you get the point. However, most people won't have a change compartment and the following happens.

 This is where the chasm  forms. There are those that:
A) Pick up the money and look like a fool whilst holding up the rest of the line
B)   Leave the money (lazy)  and act like their rich (liars), only to go home and not have dinner (foolish)
C) Use a credit card or debit card (you bastards.)

For the purpose of this situation lets say he is person B, because we can all relate to person B in someway.

Look at that limey coloured lazy bastard.

Now if he is inspired to be the true person B he would probably do something along the lines of this...

He doesn't even want the cashier to have the money on the floor. Double bastard.

This is where my belief stems from, from the need to reproduce, the need to live, the need to greed.

Best-buy man wants that tip, oh yes, he wants it..mmm..he really wants it...


Every time something bad happens to someone....

Sooner or later, this was bound to happen.

....someone else directly profits out of that situation.....

I bet you didn't even know they employed slaves. Best buy manager...  >:(

..whether it's seen or unseen...

To be honest, I didn't really know why I included Xerxes from 300, I guess he's the first thing that pops into my mind about slaves and slave owners. Perhaps there is even a Xerxes in every Bestbuy, oh wait, that's Xerox. (ba-dum-tish)

Hopefully that gets my main point across. Anyways it's time to search for some gold-chained underwear, hope you enjoyed the post!

Life Lesson: Every time something bad happens to someone, someone else directly profits out of that situation, whether it's seen or unseen.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

-Awkward Silence-

Just a quick post to say that I have absolutely no time to draw on weekdays. However, I have devised a plan to draw on weekends, and then upload throughout the week . Rinse and repeat.

Life Lesson: Time waits for no one.

Monday, September 20, 2010


By now, you've (hopefully) seen my comics and decided to never visit this site again and thought to yourself "My, those are horribly bad drawings, why does he even attempt at drawing?" Answer is: I really really really suck at drawing.

Notice the absence of bad-ness and me.
Yes, those things are socks, and no, I do not go to Starbucks.
(wait, was that a double negative...?)
I know my pun is lame, but humor makes life light (ba-dum-tish) And I find the best way to avoid criticism is to ridiculously criticize yourself, thus allying yourself with the enemy, and becoming allies. If that made no sense, this will; I draw because I (along with some other people) find it much more interesting to include pictorial-explanations of what I am talking about. This contributes to the fact that as semi-old humans we all miss picture books.

Life Lesson: Make fun of yourself, so that no one can make fun of you.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Esclators OMFG

Today's topic: ESCALATORS!!

Some may ask, "Why escalators? Why not stairs? They're the same thing!"  Stairs have been around for ages, really, go back a thousand years, perhaps more, and evidence of stairs is readily available. Mayan culture, and egyptian culture, both share pyramids; four different staircases that narrow out, and go to one destination. Well, you see, I've got a very simple explanation of why escalators are better than stairs.




Although amazing, these wonder-machines do have some drawbacks...and from drawbacks, awkward situations evolve. Normally, when you board an escalator (Yes you board one, they are vehicles OF WIN.) the first step is the trickiest, to choose to give in to the giant crowd behind you, or to take your time and get maximum joy out of the ride. Eventually you get on...

And this is the part that always gets me: Where are you supposed to look? I usually end up looking straight, which might not be the best idea...

Yes, I'm looking at her hand.
I'm not a perv or pedo or anything, but this is what usually happens. The female figure is probably easier to look at than staring at the gum residue. Plus, the female figure is the embodiment of power. (Accept this compliment and please don't kill me, women of the world.) But the worst is yet to come.

Yep, this is what usually happens when a guy is in front of me. NO HOMO I'm not homosexual, but looking at a guy's behind is usually okay, as long as he is not "Low Riding" I really don't know who told these people it was cool to show your boxers/underwear, but whoever they are, I got a belt.....for him to wear. Really, wear a belt, they put an end to the constant pulling up you have to undergo when "Low-Riding"

Typically my view.

And what makes it worse is that if you look anywhere else, you look like you're lost. Or so I think, lol. Also note, in the picture above, that the said 'Red Gentleman' is standing in the middle of the escalator. I'm pretty sure it's an unwritten rule, just like highways, that one side is for speeders, and the other for standing.

Anyways, that's the end of my little rant about escalators. I didn't know it bugged me this much until I typed it out. I guess I'm learning about myself

Life Lesson: Even though escalators are awesome, sometimes you have to speed up the left side

Friday, September 17, 2010


As I have recently started university, I have realized a great deal of information; there are too many awkward situations that confuse me. I think that the primary reason that these situations have spiked in frequency is because of the opposite sex; girls. In high school, I was isolated from women, probably to help me in my studies (which works in ways I'm still realizing) When they are around, suddenly you become obsessed with how, who and what you are.
Hair: CHECK!
Clothes: CHECK!
Genuine Smile: CHECK!
Shoes: CHECK!
Smell: CHECK!
Money: CHEQUE!
But then, like an eagle giving birth to a t-rex, awkward situations develop. The following illustrates one of many (many comics, not situations) to come.

It all starts when you sit down on the bus, next to a attractive looking girl.

I smile as she looks out the window, trying to gather enough courage to say hello....

..and then another guy hovers nearby...hopefully he won't...but then he...
sits down. Don't get me wrong, there is no problem with another person sitting down besides me. It just makes things a little more interesting....
And then it hits me. A powerful odor, secreting out of this guy.
His clothes, and probably his skin are washed with B.O. Probably forgot his deodorant, but c'mon, don't forget the body spray too! And then I realize what's going to happen...
The definition of diffusion becomes all too clear all too fast.
"Diffusion describes the spread of particles through random motion from regions of higher concentration to regions of lower concentration"
Waiting for the inevitable.
At last the most undesirable situation becomes reality. As the smell passes over her, I can see her exhale (okay, I wasn't watching that close) and waited for the horrifying inhale, the one that would bring doom to any chance I have with this girl.

If you get this reference, you get ten passes to go through the tunnel of awesome.
Like hearing the buzz of bee at a rock concert, almost in-audible but most certainly there, she detects the foreign and most putrid smell....and then looks at the closest suspect...
Sad face.

Sometimes I honestly don't know what's more depressing, the fact the girl thinks I'm the one who stinks, or that I have broken down into a pond of depression, anxiety and awkwardness.

Life Lesson: Everything is different when girls are around, and diffusion sucks.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hopefully my awkwardly confused situations can be explained using comics, as of right now, I'm too lazy to do a full blown comic (I don't really know how to draw). But what I have learned today is that patience doesn't have a price. Hmmm maybe I do have time for something small...

Life Lesson: Everything happens in time, eventually, you just have to have patience.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


First! I posted first! Guess this is my first day as a blogger, as a friend of mine said, "It's basically like my diary!" So this is what I shall use it for, thoughts, insights, pet-peeves, emotions, and hopefully to express myself, an awkward and horribly confused person.