Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hanging Out..............with girls

Apparently, everything means something different when you grow up.

I have no idea why, so don't ask. It just does. 

(I also had no idea what to write for this intro, but that's all I got.)

Without further ado...
Her looks so weird...

Relating to to top, many normal activities take on different tones when one grows older. Simple activities such as biking, tennis, eating and hanging out are completely different. Biking and tennis are now is eating in America. And this is where I think I can say my two cents: hanging out.

Now you may have noticed that the title included with girls. Why? Simply because of the following:

Hanging out with guys hasn't changed at all.

Save for the fact that maybe the activities have changed like gaming, or eating. We now game on different things and eat different foods lol. Basically a typical sceneario with a guy breaks down like this:

However, with girls, this simple act of hanging out or talking to girls takes on a whole different tone. But before I go into that, I have some insurance to confidently....expectantly.....hopefully save my exit route. Don't take me wrong, not all girls are like this. Hmmm perhaps I've hidden this vital and important message in a sea of text, let's define that more clearly.

I think that's a tad bit better (:

The situation described below is fine and usually welcomed in almost all situations. However, it is not welcomed in some situations where one's attention is directed towards an goal, class, at work...etc etc. That's usually when it happens though, something that isn't supposed to happen always does. Some may say "But why do you even ask how they are when you're doing something?" I do that mainly because of common courtesy, I don't expect an extensive and long answer. Possibly it's my fault for asking, possibly not. Sometimes I even see girls telling other girls to be quiet at pay attention, which is odd, but funny....(and slightly distracting).

Yes yes, I know girls don't ALL wear their hair in a ponytail.

This points me in the direction of the next...sub-topic...when they don't answer at all.

Usually, when a girl doesn't answer a simple question such as "How are you?" something strange and mysterious happens. I'm going to try and define that "strange and mysterious thing" so bear with me here.. It all starts with that question..

And then silence. Pure and simple silence. Pure and scary silence. Silence may be golden, but there is a gun which is also golden..and it's killer. (9001 points if you get the reference). The uncomfortable stare (in the silence) which follows carries some meaning to it, I think. 

Watch this very closely...

Yes, those are lines. Actually, they're RED lines and that's the difference. Can you see them in real life? No. Why not? Because you can't see hate, can you? Let's go on to define these lines...


However, my fine comrades, I shall let you in on a little secret. There is but one escape from this situation...

I don't know why, but weather always seems to have the effect of distracting a person from trying to say what's on their mind. Also, it's an effective and pleasant way to start a conversation that could develop into something completely different. More on that....never. Hahaha. However again, sometimes the female counterpart may be unfazed at your amazing abilities to change topic and move from this icky position. Once again, I shall save you time, effort, money and possibly a couple coupons but giving you this quick and effective secondary escape route*.

*Does not work like a escape rope, spinning doesn't help anyone.

1. Point in an opposite direction and yell something random.

2. Run away at full speed while you think she's looking the other way.
3. No where on Earth can save you, give up hope, and say sorry
....even though you didn't do anything wrong. (: