Monday, October 11, 2010

Three Reasons Why I Pop My Collar

Uh-oh. Don't close this window ladies! There are reasonable explanations besides "because it's cool". Lol. I'm not to sure about other guys (codename "douchebags") but these are My three reasons of why I pop my collar.

Without further ado;

A short, by E.

Reason 1

"Sometimes it's just too damn hot"

Sometimes, most of the time All of the time I am sitting on a bus near a window, I usually start sweating. No, it's not because of the presence cute girls (although that does intimidate me) It's because the sunlight is pretty damn hot. Here are a couple diagrams further explaining my thoughts;

Somehow, I am lucky enough to choose the side of the bus that the sun shines into. Meaning that my neck is exposed to the heat of the sun. No sleep either, the brightness of the dam sun doesn't allow that. Lol. However, if one 'pops' his collar, the sun light is blocked, as explained in this diagram:

And using a precise calculation; I have figured out how much sunlight is actually blocked by 'popping' one's collar.

No, NOT a polo-neck.

Reason 2

"Sometimes it's just too damn cold"

The exact same passes for the cold. Except the sun doesn't shoot cold rays. It's just the air is cold....or does the moon shoot cold rays? (I'm joking. LOL) However, a special "One of a kind" Diagram has also been carefully crafted to explain this situation.

Damn you, cloud of spite!
 Quite often, I realize that people are looking at me like a douchebag, and usually it's fine because the girl isn't 'attractive' to me. However, you get those odd moments that a cute girl stares at you in disgust. I feel that something (god?) doesn't want me to look attractive.
Sigh, oh well. 

"Cold Rays" Real stuff. Scientifically proven. Source: www.don't type this
Reason 3

"Sometimes it's just too damn normal"

"Sometimes the jacket doesn't allow it"

You know the jackets, they look really good, and they feel (when you wear them) even better. However, the collar just won't fold down. However, this only applies to jackets, as I  don't think there is a shirt made from the same stuffy material. If guys wearing golf shirts, or dress shirts pop their collars, stay the hell away. 
"No excuses for that." 
My mom said that I looked like a streaker, lol.
That's about all the situations I can think of where it's acceptable to pop one's collar. Actually, it's the only sitautions where it's permissiable. Oh, quick note: guys who pop their collar know that they look like "doucebags" however, they are looking for "douchettes" (is that a word?) which do exist. Eh. I'm not into those people (and their Ed Harvey clothes). 
Hope you enjoyed the post, and happy thanksgiving!
Life Lesson: Sometimes you can be cool without being a "douchebag".


LadyBug said...

how can you be sure that the definition of cool for "douchebags" is not the same as your definition?

E. said...

I can't be a hundred percent sure, but I gather it from some select people I know. They have ulterior motives.

LadyBug said...

ulterior motives? don't hang out with douchebags...

E. said...

It's difficult to extinguish a friendship you've had with someone over a long period of time, even when that person has changed...I got a post idea. (:

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